Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter Sunday

Check him out, Check him out!!

Here he is....tall dark and handsome african american male in a pastel, spring green claiborne button down longsleve shirt & navy blue tie with matching green, baby blue and white stripes, toddler tank top underneath size 5 pamper,navy blue Nautica dress slack, navy blue children's place socks and the finest shiny black Stacy Adam's toddler shoe you can find....Let's welcome Braylon Kenneth-James Defoe down the runway!

He was ready to go praise the Lord with Grandma. I don't have that much experience in dressing boys so it took a while to find the perfect outfit. I love him in color and thought a nice spring but masculine color would look good on him. He ripped his tie off a few times but eventually got used to it. I was really afraid he would have one of his ABC or Spongebob outbursts during prayer but he did well. He took special interest in the lady sitting directly in front of me. He stared at the collar of her shirt and analyzed her hair, and then he created a see saw out of my leg. Once I tried to stop him from playing in the park during church he was about to throw a tantrum and right as he was about to let out his roar.....DRUMS, MUSIC and SINGING was able to drown him out. Then he started to stare at a pretty little girl in a ruffled dress and drifted to sleep. We did attend chuch during his usual nap time so I completely expected him to dose off but I didn't think he would be able to withstand the LOUD music. He didnt' even jump! He was born with the ability to sleep through all types of noise, actually i think it's heredity because i've dosed off and have had some of my best sleep during church until I was attacked my grandma if she spotted me sleeping. Isn't that child abuse in the house of the Lord?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Today is my nephew's birthday, I can't believe he is 5 years old today. It was 5 years ago that I went to Italy to welcome him in this world. I had just arrived and fallen asleep. Moments later I hear "I think it's time and I know you're tired from traveling but we have to go to the hospital now!" When he came out, he looked just like me as a baby! That is a very funny feeling, one I will never forget. It was 5 years ago that I smuggled 10 bottles of Italian wine on my carry on and had some charming strong man on each flight who was nice enough to help me place it on the shelf. A lot can happen in five years. His name is DelSean Clinton Miles. The Clinton keeps my late father's last name around. He will begin school this year so instead of a toy, I bought him the live caterpillars that will turn into a butterfly in a few weeks. If he doesn't kill them, this will be a great learning experience. It teaches him patience, responsibility, and helps him understand the process of a caterpillar's life cycle. His mom is getting him a power wheels Escalade that costs more than the average car note!... And I thought I spoiled my son. What's funny is that I wanted to get my little one an escalade or hummer. It looks fun. I remember always asking for a Barbie powerwheel but #1, mom said she couldn't afford it and #2, I think i was too big and exceeded the weight limit so that would have been a waste of money. Maybe she just said that so she wouldn't have to explain why I always had flat tires on my powerwheel. Oh well, I survived on a tricycle and banana seat bike!

Anyway we're off this weekend to see Grandma and old friends I have reconnected with on facebook so this should be fun.

Have a great Easter!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

You won't believe what just happened!!

I just took a lunch break to go to the gym and went to grab $1 for a towel out of my ash tray that I use to hold lose change, and everything in it was GONE! I mean everything! The lent, receipts, canadian coins, watch batteries, name it and it was completely cleared out. I'm not sure when this happened or remembered the last time I have even opened it up for change but I have always told myself I would empty the pennies and lose change out and add it to Braylon's Spongebob bank. I know I have allowed random people to shovel my snow and cut my grass from time to time for side $, plus I'm not too thrilled to do it myself. I thought i was stimulating the economy. If this happened at home during the night, I might know who it is. There's a particular guy who shovels my snow who always argues with me about how much money I give him. He is basically calling me cheap!! So maybe he decided that he would take his own tip. Well I have a tip for him or whoever it is..NEXT TIME TAKE SOMETHING WORTH MORE THAN $1.75!! There is a very nice car seat and stroller I keep in the car, and if he would have looked in my gym bag, he might have been lucky enough to find a pink IPOD. But since they didn't steal my cds, they weren't interested in my tunes anyways, and they are one lazy thief!!!. This goes to show...people really ARE crazy. I usually overlock my house and car to the point that I have been locked out of both within the same week and have 3 seperate keyholders to both. I am filing a police report, and replacing the bulbs in my motion light! Ugh! The nerve of some people. If this is a joke by one of my friends, you just stole my son's college tuition!!

Daddy's Daycare Concern

I received an email from Dad saying, why does my son's nose look like this when he is at daycare...he doesn't deserve this treatment. In addition to the email that was sent, a photo was attached and this is what it looked like. The title of the email was called "Daycare Nose". I know he was genuinely concerned but I had to laugh b/c I think it's cute that he took a picture of it, sent it to me, and Braylon was smiling like it was a regular photo shoot. I do agree with him...just wipe his nose but when I pick him up from daycare, all of the kid's noses look like this so at least he is being treated equal. When you live in Michigan and it goes from 70 degrees and sunshine to 20 degrees and snow that equals a nose that looks similar to this. I'll be sure to show them this exact picture and see if they can identify the issue. Is that blue paint on his eyebrow?!!? I pay for boogers and paint. Money well spent!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

I finally joined FaceBook and within moments I was able to reach out to many friends I have't seen or heard from since High School....what took me so long?!?!?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Happy Easter!!!

Originally, I thought he would be scared of the bunny but he wasn't. Instead he had a tantrum because I had to take him out of his stroller to get to the bunny. He hates to be distrurbed while he's relaxing in his stroller or wagon. Although he didn't smile, he gave the normal blank expression. He checked out the bunny's nose, eyes, and mouth. He must have felt safe since he didn't cry and he sat there for quite some time while I tried to make him laugh. I'm sure I looked silly!! Since Braylon was so good with the Bunny, I asked for his number just in case I needed a babysitter. The bunny gave me the thumbs up and sent us on our way.

Friday, April 3, 2009


HAHA- I like the fridge pic!
I'm sure you may wonder why I have so many pictures. Well, times were hard when I was a kid so I only have a few pictures of myself as a child and as you can see from looking at these pictures, kids change fast. It seems like yesterday he was an infant, and now today he's tries hard to be Mr. Independant. The only picture I have of myself with my dad is the one that's posted under the pictures of me and my sis back in the day, I don't have any pictures of my mother when she was a child and if I didn't run across the picture of my father when he was about 6 or 7 months old, I wouldn't have figured out my son looks just like him! Not to mention, you can catch odd but memorable moments by camera and video. I'll post more pictures soon.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Thanks for looking at this. I spent two whole days uploading pictures, someone has to say something!! I still have more pictures which is the sad thing. I even have videos! If this thing is still up to date and running by the time he graduates, then I'm all set. I'll log onto for his open house and embarass him!! He is 20 months old and motherhood has been one of the most interesting and amazing experiences I have encountered. This was definitely life changing, for the good. I'm obviously a proud, proud, proud parent, and proud of my friends and their kids as well. What's even more exciting is that all of our kids will grow up together. This is going to be great!! Maybe one day someone will decide to follow it, or maybe even post a message. If not, I'll keep talking to myself.

See you later!! :)